Sunday, February 24, 2013

Prison Visit

On Monday and Tuesday, we are visiting the North Fraser Pretrial Centre. Make sure that you follow some basic common sense rules if you are going on this field trip. First, do not bring a camera or a cel phone. Please leave them in your lockers. Also wear apprpriate clothing...we are representing WESTVIEW so please be on your best behavior.
It should be an interesting visit. Hopefully we all make it back safely.

Prison Project

You guys have now had three classes to work on your prison project. Remember to read the criteria very carefully for this project. Your mark will be based on how well you were able to answer all the questions posed on the criteria sheet. Be prepared to add detail to all areas of the project. Make sure you expain everything in great detail. Don't just focus on the presentation because that is only a small part of your mark.
The project is due on Thursday Feb. 28/13. Be prepared to present it to the class and have it ready to hand in.
Next class we will discuss different issues that arise in prison.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Last class we had Lisa Anderson come in an speak to the class. She is the warden of North Fraser Pretrial and is Beth's mom. What a great guys did a fantastic job of asking questions. I hope you guys have a better understanding about what life in a prison is like now.

Friday, February 8, 2013


Today we looked at the different levels of prison: minimum/medium/max/supermax.
We had a discussion on what types of inmates should fit into each of these levels.
The unit project was introduced....designing your own prison.

Finally we will be having a guest speaker come in on Tuesday....the warden of North Fraser Pretrial.

Here is the video we started in class.


On Tuesday we began the new unit on Prisons. This unit should be interesting because of the of the our fasination as to what actually happens in prisons. We discussed what we knew and what we wanted to learn in this chapter.
We discussed what the percentage of people per capita were in Canadian jails, also the makeup of the prison population.
Finally we looked at what types of people end up in a federal institution.

The students were asked to define the following terms:

dynamic risk assessment
inmate code
recidivism rates
static risk assessment
total instiutions
two year rule

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Presentations Part Deux

On Thursday we continued with the remainder of the project presentations. I am glad to say that all groups did a wonderful job. Now we can move onto the next unit "Canada's Corrections System".

Some of the things that you guys know about prisons:

- don't drop the soap
- bad people go there
- there are bars
- the fences have barbed wire

Some of the things you want to learn:

- what kinds of programs do they run
- what is life like in a prison
- what is the food like
- can you have a tv in prison
- do inmates have jobs

It should be an interesting unit.  Next week on Tuesday Feb 12 we have the warden of North Fraser Pretrial coming in to speak with you guys.
Also we should be starting your project on your prison by the end of the week.

Enjoy your weekend!