Saturday, March 16, 2013

Early Theories Cont.

Yesterday we continued on our discussion of some of the most influential early theories of criminology.
Classical School
Statistical School
Positive School
Early Biological Theories.

Your notes assignment is due on Tuesday (your first class after spring break). If you have your notes done, then your quiz will be open book...however if you do not get your notes done, then you are on your own for the quiz.
We looked at Lombroso and Sheldon today. What they proposed and its ramifications...
Here is the web site for the guessing a criminal activity we did:

Your assignment for the class was to watch the episode of the Fifth Estate on Colonel Russel Williams and then apply one of the theories we discussed in class to try to explain why he committed the horrific crimes that he did. This will be your next blog entry.

Enjoy your sprint break.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Early Theories of Crime

Today the students got into groups of 4-5. They were given big chart paper and encouraged to included as many reasons as they could about why people commit crimes. After 15 minutes or so we discussed as a class some of the reasons why people commit crimes. They students shared their ideas infront of the class and then posted their charts to the white board. From their we tried to categorize the different reasons: Biological/Social/ Family/ Mental/ Financial....were some that the students came up with.

We continued discussing the issue of Nature/Nurture....twin studies.

The students were then given the following assignment to work on:

Early Theories of Criminology

This chapter describes the historical framework through which modern theories of criminology developed. The earliest theories of crime causation emphasized the role of religion and/or superstition. A belief that criminals were possessed by evil spirits brought harsh punishments that often resulted in the death of the accused.
Your goal is to read chapter 8 and gain information on the early theories of crime. The following are the main theories that need to be studied:

Classical Theory
Statistical School
Positive School
Early Biological Theory

For each of the following theories I want you to answer the following:

1)    List the major theorists associated with each theory…

2)    Pros/Cons of each theory

3)    What are the limitations of each theory

4)    How did each theory lead to legal reforms

What theory do you most relate to…which one do you think is most plausible

Friday, March 8, 2013


Last class we finished off all the presentations of the prison project. I knew I would end up in jail at some point in my was only a matter of time. Well done Class....the projects were awesome!
We started a discussion on what is deemed deviant by society. The class made a list of acts that are deviant but not criminal.
Next we created another list of acts that are criminal but not deviant. Interesting discussion on what you guys think is criminal but not deviant like
- downloading files off the internet
- lying at the border
- jaywalking
- speeding
- talking on phone while driving
- smoking weed

Deviant but not criminal:
- smoking
- picking your nose in public
- nudity
- homosexuality (in the past)

Great discussioin. Students then decided which ones should be illegal and which ones were just deviant.
Next class we will discuss why people commit crimes...and look at the early theories surrounding crime.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Prison blog post

On Thursday we discussed the life of prisoners. During this class I showed two video clips. The first one was about the role of mandatory minimum sentences. This would lead to overcrowding in Canada's prison system.
The second video clip was on the conditions in a Thai prison.

Here are the two clips.

You homework is to make a blog entry on one of the following:

What is your opinion on tougher sentences as a means of reducing crime


Discuss the differences between Thai prisons and Canadian prisons. Which ones ore more effective